Papers and Research Reports


  • Bayless J., N.A. Abrahamson, P. Somerville (2024). Incorporating Rupture Directivity Effects into Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses. Final Report. USGS Award No. G22AP00199. PDF


  • Bayless J., P. Somerville, H.K. Thio, and M.E. Ramos-Sepúlveda (2023). Updates to the Somerville et al. (2009) Ground Motion Model for Australia Using Broadband Ground-Motion Simulations. Proc. of the 2023 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society National Conference. 23-25 November 2023, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. PDF
  • Bayless J., P. Somerville, and H.K. Thio (2023). Ground motion modeling updates applicable to seismic hazard assessments for dams in Australia. Proc. of the Australian National Committee on Large Dams Inc. (ANCOLD) Conference. 25-27 October 2023, Cairns, Australia. PDF
  • Bayless J. and N.A. Abrahamson (2023). Informing Rupture Directivity Modeling with CyberShake Simulations. Final Report. SCEC Award #22056. PDF
  • Bayless J. and S. Condon (2023). Evaluation of the inter-frequency correlation of New Zealand CyberShake crustal earthquake simulations. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 56(4). PDF
  • Bayless J. and N.A. Abrahamson (2023). A Method for Generating Spectrum-Compatible Earthquake Ground Motion Time Histories with Permanent Displacement. Proc. of the 2023 United States Society on Dams Annual Conference. 17-21 April 2023, Charleston, South Carolina. PDF
  • Bayless J., C. Nweke, J.P. Stewart, S. Condon (2023). Fourier-Based Site Response of Southern California Sedimentary Basins. Final Report. SCEC Award #21143. PDF


  • Bayless J., P. Somerville, S. Condon, H.K. Thio, H. Ghasemi, T. Allen (2022). Updating the Somerville et al. (2009) Ground Motion Model for Cratonic Australia Using Broadband Ground Motion Simulations of Recently Recorded Cratonic Region Earthquakes. Proc. of the 2022 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society National Conference. 24-25 November 2022, Mount Macedon, Victoria, Australia. PDF
  • Somerville P., J. Bayless, A. Skarlatoudis, S. Condon (2022). Impact of new industry guidelines and new seismic hazard knowledge on seismic hazard assessments for dams in Australia and New Zealand. Proc. of the Australian National Committee on Large Dams Inc. (ANCOLD) and New Zealand Society on Large Dams (NZSOLD) Conference. 26-28 October 2022, Sydney, Australia. PDF


  • Bayless J. (2021). Evaluating the inter-frequency correlation of CyberShake NZ Crustal Earthquake Simulations. Final Report to QuakeCoRE. PDF
  • Bayless J. (2021). Regional Attenuation Models in Central and Eastern North America Using the NGA-East Database. Earthquake Spectra. June 2021, doi:10.1177/87552930211018704. PDF
  • Bayless J. and S. Condon (2021). Evaluating the inter-frequency correlation of CyberShake Simulations. Final Report. SCEC Award #20043. PDF


  • Bayless J., P. Somerville, A. Skarlatoudis (2020). A Rupture Directivity Adjustment Model Applicable to the NGA-West2 Ground Motion Models and Complex Fault Geometries. Final Report. USGS Award No. G18AP00092. PDF, Appendices
  • Bayless J., P. Somerville, H.K. Thio, A. Skarlatoudis (2020). Regional Attenuation Models in Central and Eastern North America Using the NGA-East Database. Proc. of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 13-18 September 2020, Sendai, Japan. Paper No. C001590. PDF
  • Bayless J., J.P. Stewart, A. Skarlatoudis, P. Somerville (2020). Region-Specific Fourier-Based Site Amplification Modeling. Final Report. SCEC Award #19097. PDFPPT
  • Song S.G., M. Causse, J. Bayless (2020). Sensitivity Analysis of Inter-frequency Correlation of Synthetic Ground Motions to Pseudo-dynamic Source Models. Seismological Research Letters, PDF
  • Somerville P., A. Skarlatoudis, J. Bayless (2020). Use of Conditional Mean Spectra with Minimum Magnitude less than 5 in Seismic Hazard Analyses. Proc. of the Australian National Committee on Large Dams Inc. (ANCOLD) Annual Meeting. 8-9 October 2020, Perth Western Australia. PDF
  • Wang H., F. Wang, H. Yang, Y. Feng, J. Bayless, N.A. Abrahamson, B. Jeremic (2020). Time Domain Intrusive Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis of Nonlinear Shear Frame Structure. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Volume 136, Article 106201. ISSN 0267-7261, PDF


  • Bayless J. and Abrahamson, N.A. (2019) Summary of the BA18 Ground-Motion Model for Fourier Amplitude Spectra for Crustal Earthquakes in California, Bull. Seismol. Soc.Am., 109 (5): 2088-2105. doi: 10.1785/0120180238.  PDFE-Supp
  • Bayless J. (2019). Investigating Ground Motion Sensitivity to Kinematic Source Model Parameters: Hikurangi Megathrust Application. Final Report to the QuakeCoRE NZ Centre for Earthquake Resilience. PDF, PPT


  • Bayless J. (2018). Inter-Period Correlations of Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Ground-Motions: Modeling, Calibration of Earthquake Simulations, and Significance in Seismic Risk. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of California, Davis. PDF
  • Bayless J. and Abrahamson N.A. (2018). Evaluation of the inter-period correlation of ground motion simulations. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 108 (6): 3413-3430. doi:10.1785/0120190077. PDF
  • Bayless J. and Abrahamson N.A. (2018). An empirical model for Fourier amplitude spectra using the NGA-West2 database. PEER Report No. 2018/07, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA. PDF
  • Bayless J. and Abrahamson, N.A. (2018) Implications of the inter-period correlation of strong ground motions on structural risk. Proceedings of the 11th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, LosAngeles, CA. 2018. PDF
  • Bayless J. and Abrahamson, N.A. (2018) An empirical model for the inter-frequency correlation of epsilon of Fourier amplitude spectra, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 109 (3):1058-1070. doi: 10.1785/0120180238. PDF
  • Bayless J. (2018). Implementing inter-period correlations into SCEC Broadband Platform Simulations. Final Report. SCEC Award #17138. PDF
  • Bayless J., A. Skarlatoudis, P. Somerville (2018). Rupture Model of a Hikurangi Megathrust Earthquake. Final Report to the QuakeCoRE NZ Centre for Earthquake Resilience. PDF, Poster


  • Bayless J., M. Hosseini, A. Skarlatoudis, P. Somerville (2017). Validation of Strong Ground Motions Simulations of Two Historical NZ Subduction Zone Earthquakes. Final Report to the QuakeCoRE NZ Centre for Earthquake Resilience. PDF
  • Galvez P., J. Bayless, P. Somerville (2017) Dynamic and Kinematic Modeling of Backthrust Faulting on the Ventura Fault System. Final Report. SCEC Award #16075. PDF
  • Somerville P., J. Bayless, M. Hosseini, A. Skarlatoudis (2017). Extension of the SCEC Broadband Platform to Simulation of Strong Ground Motions from Subduction Earthquakes. Final Report. SCEC Award #16116. PDF


  • Bayless J., A. Skarlatoudis, P. Somerville. (2014). Behavior of Multiple Broadband GroundMotion Simulation Techniques on the SCEC Broadband Platform, Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug 25-29, 2014. PDF
  • Bayless J., K. Wooddell, D. Dreger, N. Abrahamson (2014). Constraining GMPEs in Critical Ranges for Complex Ruptures Using Strong Motion Simulations Procedures on the SCEC Broadband Platform. Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug 25-29, 2014. PDF, Poster
  • Bayless J., A. Skarlatoudis, P. Somerville (2016). Impact of Uncertainty in Magnitude-Area Scaling Relations on SCEC Broadband Platform Simulations. Final Report. SCEC Award #15105. PDF
  • Goulet C.A. and J .Bayless (2011). Reference site standard deviation for integration of site effects into ground motion prediction equations and seismic hazard analyses. Final report. USGS Award No. G10AP00036. PDF
  • Dawood H.M., A. Rodriguez-Marek, J. Bayless, C.A. Goulet, E. Thompson (2016). A Flatfile for the KiK-net Database Processed Using an Automated Protocol. Earthquake Spectra. 2016;32(2):1281-1302. doi:10.1193/071214eqs106. PDF
  • Luco, N., S. Rezaeian, C. Goulet, A. Skarlatoudis, J. Bayless, F. Silva, P. Maechling (2016).  Implementation of GMSV Gauntlets on the Broadband Platform. Final Report. SCEC Award #15136. PDF
  • Skarlatoudis A.A., P.G. Somerville, H.K. Thio and J. Bayless, (2014). Source Scaling Relations of Subduction Earthquakes for Strong Ground Motion and Tsunami Prediction, Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug 25-29, 2014.
  • Skarlatoudis A., P. Somerville, H.K. Thio, J. Bayless (2015). Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulations of Large Subduction Earthquakes. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 105 (6): 3050-3067. doi: 10.1785/0120140322. PDF
  • Somerville P., A. Skarlatoudis, J. Bayless (2014). Testing the EGF Method of Ground Motion Simulation using the Christchurch Earthquake Sequence. Final report. USGS Award No. G14AP00010. PDF
  • Spudich P., J. Bayless, J.W. Baker, B.S.J. Chiou, B. Rowshandel, S.K. Shahi, and P.G. Somerville. (2013) Final Report of the NGA-West2 Directivity Working Group. PEER Final Report 2013/09. PDF